A Three Year Journey

· Of Growth and Introspection ·

Apr, 10, 2021

Three years ago, I embarked on a personal journey of self-study.  That desire led me to sign up for a yoga teacher training with Bodhi Yoga(gobodhiyoga.com). My intention for the training was to learn and deepen my own personal practice, which at that time was more directed towards the physical aspects of a yoga practice.  I was not exactly sure where it was going to lead me.  I knew that yoga was such a broad and vast subject, but I really had no idea how broad and vast.  I really did not set out to teach yoga at that time in my life, and I see now that the decision to take the training was mostly driven by my ego.  Funny to reflect back on that now, for at the time that was nowhere in the forefront of my mind.  There was a second driving force, that was not attached to ego, a seed in my heart for the love of the practice in its many forms.  This has been what has sustained me over the last three years.  I have completed three other trainings before finishing this initial one that I started.  Why, you might ask has it taken so long to complete the first one I started?  Truthfully, it has taken time to process the information to the point where I felt comfortable enough to share.  This was a personal journey, not the physical one that I started out on.  Through the past three years, physical things have come and gone, pinched nerves, sore stiff muscles, and a cyst removal.   I have had two whiplashes, a concussion and joint pain to say the least. The physical practice has waxed and waned, but the spiritual practice has ever increased.  Through study, blogging and deep introspection I have truly grown.   I have faced some of my greatest fears around being vulnerable, and putting myself out there for judgement.  Scary as it was, I’m still alive to tell you about it. 

    I have in no way arrived, but am still traveling on this journey.  There are still obstacles to overcome, dragons to slay, and treasures to find.

I feel so much gratitude for those who have gone before, and walked the path to enlightenment, to show me the way.  My Savior, who teaches me how to change my heart, and redeems me.  The Buddha who teaches me how to change my mind, and my thoughts.  Patanjali who gives practical tools to overcome obstacles and illusion, and many, many teachers for their wisdom, and kindness.  The path of yoga, that leads to a union with God is a path worth taking.  May you enjoy your journey.

PS.  And a special thanks to Syl Carson for her love of the practice and her gifted way of teaching.

                                                            Namaste,  Holly

April 7, 2021


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I am a Wife, Mom, Grandma and Yogi. Welcome to my blog. To learn more about me, read my bio

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